The Phragmites management program was initiated in the wetlands of Long Point but has since spread into the upper watersheds. In 2019, a subcommittee of the LPPAA developed an implementation plan for the entire Big Creek Watershed focused on engaging landowners and helping to provide them with control services for their properties.
The Big Creek Watershed Control Implementation Plan divides the watershed into 8 sections or “phases”. Since it’s inception it has been well received, enrolling over 200 parcels and completing control work on over 75 parcels of land with no sign of slowing down.
“Landowners are an important part of Phragmites control for two reasons,” says Brett Norman, Invasive Species Program Coordinator at Nature Conservancy of Canada. “For one, landowners can provide access for control of Phragmites on their properties. This ensures that their property is not a seed source for future infestations. Two, landowners can help pass on information. Many people don’t know what
Phragmites is, why it’s bad, or that control services exist. We invest a lot of time working with landowners to ensure they are aware of the issues.”
This program allows landowners to tap into the resources needed to target Phragmites, including professional contractor services, specialized equipment, and aquatic herbicides where applicable.
“These services are provided free of charge, allowing landowners to address an issue on their properties that they may otherwise not have the capability to do,” says Norman.
The program is now open to anyone who owns land in Norfolk County. Landowners wishing to join the program can do so by emailing the LPPAA at or by visiting our website at