Road Ecology

Road Ecology Working Group

Road ecology is the study of the interactions between the environment and roads. Roads and traffic pose a risk to biodiversity and cause habitat fragmentation. The collaborative Road Ecology Working Group aims to reduce road mortality of Species at Risk and improve habitat connectivity in the Long Point Walsingham Forest.

The priorities of this group are to:

  • Increase awareness on the threat of roads to wildlife and engage the local community in stewardship efforts
  • Collaborate with Norfolk County to incorporate road ecology guidelines in municipal operations
  • Install and maintain dedicated road mitigation infrastructure (e.g. fencing, ecopassages) for Species at Risk amphibians and reptiles

Partner organizations within this group include: Ontario Road Ecology Group (OREG), Norfolk County, Eco-Kare International, Long Point World Biosphere Reserve Foundation, and Canadian Wildlife Service as well as local community and naturalist groups.

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